Tips & Hints: Bottle Recycling in Calgary

You can count on reliable and efficient service when you bring in your empties to Uptown Bottle Depot in Calgary. However, these simple preparations can make the return process even more effortless:

Rinse Your Empties

Take a few minutes to rinse out your containers to avoid any spills or lingering odours in your car. Provided your containers are liquid free, lids may stay on or off.

Sort Your Empties

We will gladly help you sort your containers here at our depot, but you can also organize your empties beforehand, separating them by size (over 1L or 1L or less) or by type (cans or bottles, plastic or glass, etc.).

Bring In Empties Only

We are only equipped to handle beverage containers, so be sure to leave plastic rings and other packaging behind to be recycled at home. The exception to this is the cardboard case your beer bottles came in. 

We provide refunds for your empty beverage containers, while the city of Calgary will take care of handling your other recyclables, such as paper, cardboard, metal cans and lids, glass jars and more. Learn more about what you can recycle on Calgary’s official website.